Sanskrit by CD Reviews


 "You've made it so easy, even a bear could learn it... You love Sanskrit the way I love Bach."
~ Vladimir Felstman, Concert pianist

"I want to tell you how impressed I am with Sanskrit by CD and what a tremendous support for our students it is. It greatly facilitates their learning in the oral aspects of Sanskrit — pronunciation and the recitation of both paradigms and verses, and all this in a format which is clearly and beautifully presented. I'm all admiration for the service that you've done for Sanskrit studies."
~ Nadine Berardi, Instructor of Sanskrit, Columbia University · New York

"It is by far the best language book I have ever seen, and I have studied many — German, Russian, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, and others... I feel that I am on the way to real success in this, probably the most desired language of all that I have desired to study."
~ Roy G. Lundin Jr.

"I continue to find this course utterly extraordinary. I’m a classical musician with a great interest in foreign languages. When I was in grad school I worked at Schoenhof’s foreign books in Cambridge. I was in charge of the books on and in German, Latin and Greek. I got to know all the teaching materials that were available at that time in those languages and in many others. I have NEVER encountered a course, apart from actual live instruction with a good teacher, that equals the insight, pedagogical soundness and just plain fun that you bring to Sanskrit. It really is an amazing achievement. I ordered the atlas a while ago and am downright impatient for its arrival!"
~ David St. George

"So exciting! I like the format tremendously. I find that I am learning vocabulary just by the many exercises and repetitions on the tapes. What a relief. Much thanks."
~ Burt Kirkpatrick

"Thank you so much for these amazing, incredible (to me) learning tools. I wish that all foreign languages (especially Ancient Greek, Latin, and French) had materials exactly like these, because if they did, foreign language learning in the United States would advance by several orders of magnitude. For what you have accomplished as a teacher and a writer, you have my deepest, heartfelt gratitude."
~ Cameron Nolan

"I recently bought your extraordinary Sanskrit by CD ... this course continues to amaze me. I find myself chanting, at least silently virtually all day long, with the sound of your own voice in my ear. The mutations of sound are actually tactile - it is amazing how many cognitive and sensory processes are brought into play. I know many languages (French, German, Italian, Russian, Latin, Greek), but Sanskrit is a world-a-part. Thank you for creating this course!"
~ David St. George

"I recently purchased Sanskrit by CD. This is a really wonderful and helpful course. It appears that I will actually make strides toward learning Sanskrit. I am excited. I would like to purchase the Sanskrit Atlas with the Bhagavad Gita program."
~ Duncan Herringbear

"I find it very well done and above all, it has the incomparable advantage of simplicity and clarity."
~ Charles Poncet · Vandoevres, Switzerland

I am so so happy with the course and how sweet and intelligent it is. It is very inspiring to have Vyaas Houston sing the lessons. Many blessings to our teacher for this patience!!!!

~ Sylvia Hawley

“I’m really excited about all the materials, they’re so good. I’ve been through all of the content on the alphabet in the first two CDs and I really enjoyed it - the clarity and comprehensiveness and the pace are all perfect for learning in solitude” ~ Renee Gerlich, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand

It’s a beautiful teaching, so perfectly made! I have never seen something like it.  ~ Vittoria Ardito, Alcaucín, Spain

"From the first five minutes of studying, I felt a rush of satisfaction that I was finally getting my hands on what I've been searching for... my sadhana is moving along like never before with this new practice."
~Andrew Balio · Ramat-Aviv, Israel

"I recently purchased and have begun to use the Institute's Sanskrit by CD. Let me tell you how pleased I am with this study program. You obviously have put a tremendous amount of effort, thought and time into preparing this superior teaching aid. In my opinion, Sanskrit by CD is the best Sanskrit language program available. It makes studying an otherwise challenging language, a breeze."
~ Stephen Gadsden

"I’m LOVING your “Sanskrit by CD” course. It is wonderfully presented and the language is magical!"
~ Susan Fishman

"I am thoroughly enjoying these "Sanskrit by CD" lessons. Thank you for creating these wonderful learning tools."
~ Donald C. Abel, Philosophy Department, St. Norbert College

"We really have the impression of learning Sanskrit as a living language, not a dead one... We are very happy and grateful."
~ Professor Ana Chornik · Buenos Aires, Argentina

"I completed your Sanskrit by Cassette program and want to express how completely delighted I am with it. You present the lessons in a thorough and simple manner, which makes the language accessible to everyone."
~ Tim Hutton · Saylorsburg, PA

"I've seen lots of language systems, bought them, taught them... and none even touches the masterpiece you have created."
~ Jai Michael · Douglas, AZ

"Many thanks for the clarification. And thanks again for putting together an excellent course. I have tried books, but your approach of focusing on the sounds and their position in the mouth, combined with some chanting, is really helping a great deal."
~ Rich Doyle